Tuesday, 24 April 2012

More Photos of the Train Trip


  1. There's a film guy with that bunch of people and baggage. Was that the rangers?
    I like the Civil War looking Train Conductor!

  2. The scenery reminds us a little of our train trip from Ottawa to Quebec City just before Christmas 2009 (winter) but that wasn't through such a rugged frontier - a little more civilised with platforms for stations.

    What a great experience for you all!

  3. I think the conductor is an imposter. He has an ill-fitting uniform!

    What is the train with the big fan type thing on the front?! Fascinating!

    Hmmmm... along with the cameraman it looks like they've got dog biscuits, bottled water and toilet paper. Interesting!

  4. Thank-you for sharing your photos of your time in Alaska. It's interesting seeing what the area looks like as I've never been there.
