Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Ketchikan to Hawaii via Seattle

We left a cold and wet Ketchikan and flew into Seattle for a quick changeover and flight to warm and sunny Hawaii. 6c to 28c, quick a difference!

The flight in and out of Seattle was spectacular and the volcanoes 100km to 200km South of Seattle were quite a sight. Photo shows the volcanoes Mount Rainier (closest) and Mont St.Helens on the RHS,( remember the big blowup a while ago) while another volcano Mt. Adams, (yes, 'Adams' Yvette), could also be seen.

We have a good view of activities happening out on the ocean off Waikiki. Surfing, paddleboarding, the submarine trip happening, (we went on that a few weeks ago), sailboats and cats. We enjoyed a swim and relaxed on the beach.

Can you believe the cost of this huge ice cream??.....................................$1.95!!

One more full day of our holiday left and a special 'end of holiday' meal tomorrow night.




  1. Woah, bargain ice cream!

    How cool to see Mount St Helens! I remember reading about it in the library in High School. The pictures were AMAZING! I studied them hard and that fueled my interest in geology. It was so amazing that one side of the volcano just blew completely away! I always thought of volcano eruptions as just being lava, but St Helens was just ash explosions.

    Enjoy your last meal!

  2. Wow! Volcanoes! They would've been awesome to see.
    Enjoy the sun, relaxation, cocktails and ice creams of Hawaii. What an amazing trip this has been. Have a fantastic farewell dinner.
    Looking forward to seeing you
    Fliss xoxo

  3. AWESOME volcanos!! How cool to see such the famous Mount St Helens!
    Gotta love American prices :) They look like fantastic
    Ice creams!
    Looking forward to seeing u too!

  4. And I love that pic of You & Mum with Waikiki in the background. Isn't it lovely :) xoxo

  5. Looks like you've had a wonderful holiday; from the tropics in Hawaii to cold climes of Alaska!
