HAWAII - FEBRUARY 3 - 16 2014
Napili Shores Resort - Napili Bay , MAUI
The view from our balcony. the grass hut is the Gazebo Restaurant famous for its breakfast, with people lining up from 7am ready for it to open at 7.30am. You could help yourself to complimentary coffee while you waited. We had breakfast there one morning but used the coffee machine almost every morning.
Daryl and Julie overlooking the rocks and pools in front of the resort where we snorkelled with a giant turlte. |
Drafts anyone? The draft pieces were made out of coconuts and carved into the shapes of monkeys. There were quite a few families staying at the resort and they played with the giant draft board. Behind Jeff is the shuffle board pitch. We didn't play that either but enjoyed watching from our balcony and hearing the clicking noise when the mallet hit the wooden discs.
The gardens at the resort were lovely. This was a replica outrigger canoe |
Overlooking the lower swimming pool and across the straight to Molokai Island. Whales passed through the straight daily. It was exciting to see them wave their pectoral fin at us. We saw them breach and those famous tails shots as they go down for the big dive. |
The lower pool with the lineup for the Gazebo's breakfast.

Daryl and Jeff whale watching with Napili Bay in the background |
Snorkelling in Napili Bay.
Natasha, Alda, Karen, Julie, Diane and me.

Daryl and Julie washing their feet after a walk along the beach.

Julie, Daryl, Jeff, Ray and Karen on Napili Beach

Snorkelling on Napili Beach

Our usual barbeque dinner gathering.

The Gazebo restaurant and free coffee.

Lovely Seahouse Restaurant at the other end of the beach. We used this restaurant a lot for everything from coffee and cake for Julie and I to predinner drinks and entrees to two full meals, one being our farewell dinner with everyone.